Basic Rules for D&D We want to put D&D in as many hands as possible, and a free, digital file is the best way to do that.
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08/25/2015 - Podcasts
Wizards of the Coast and Penny Arcade proudly present the latest installment of the Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeons & Dragons® saga! This rollicking series of podcasts chronicles the party's latest adventure, leading up to the Live D&D® Game at PAX 2013. Join Mike Krahulik, Jerry Holkins, Scott Kurtz, and new intern Patrick Rothfuss as they wreak havoc in the Forgotten Realms® and, in true heroic fashion, leave a crater-sized impact on the world. Bring on the laughter and the tears! (This series of podcasts features adults using adult language.)
Basic Rules for D&D
We want to put D&D in as many hands as possible, and a free, digital file is the best way to do that.
The Herald
As the Sundering draws nigh, Elminster and his heroic cohort must see the signs for what they are. The choice of worlds lies in the balance.
Tyranny of Dragons
Dragons and their allies threaten the Sword Coast and the North, but why now, and to what end?
Dead in Thay
The lich lord of Thay and his Red Wizards threaten to dominate all of the Sword Coast. The Bloodgate, an elemental node of power, must be destroyed in order to stop them!
Night of the Hunter
R.A. Salvatore's New York Times best-selling saga continues as Drizzt Do'Urden and the Companions of the Hall join forces in an adventure filled with drow intrigue.
The Sundering
The world needs heroes to ensure that the new age dawns bright and full of hope, where good still shines as a beacon against the darkness. Now, heed the call and make your story legend!
Scourge of the Sword Coast
After facing the Red Wizards and exploring Dragonspear Castle, the heroes closed a gate to the Nine Hells. Only, a hidden threat emerged during that battle, once more requiring heroic aid!
Basic Rules for D&D
We want to put D&D in as many hands as possible, and a free, digital file is the best way to do that.
The Herald
As the Sundering draws nigh, Elminster and his heroic cohort must see the signs for what they are. The choice of worlds lies in the balance.
Tyranny of Dragons
Dragons and their allies threaten the Sword Coast and the North, but why now, and to what end?
Dead in Thay
The lich lord of Thay and his Red Wizards threaten to dominate all of the Sword Coast. The Bloodgate, an elemental node of power, must be destroyed in order to stop them!
Night of the Hunter
R.A. Salvatore's New York Times best-selling saga continues as Drizzt Do'Urden and the Companions of the Hall join forces in an adventure filled with drow intrigue.
The Sundering
The world needs heroes to ensure that the new age dawns bright and full of hope, where good still shines as a beacon against the darkness. Now, heed the call and make your story legend!
Scourge of the Sword Coast
After facing the Red Wizards and exploring Dragonspear Castle, the heroes closed a gate to the Nine Hells. Only, a hidden threat emerged during that battle, once more requiring heroic aid!