Dragon Bond

Of Dragon And Man

Two Dragons, fel beasts of war from a time shrouded era,swooping down on a village... are confronted by a single man...One of them draws closer and sees in him flames that remind it of itself and he speaks in a language it inexplicably understands or remembers from a distant thousand years ago, it is drawn to him near enough and he awakens its higher mind flooding it with his understanding of the village and its beauties, intricacies and fragile simple grace. It starts seeing through his eyes and past the creaking pain of its mutated armor hide and the red of its raging internal fires, its senses the meaning in a child crying and the smell of its lactating mother on the far side of the village, it smells the fears and visions of hopes also, coales ing around the mans thought.The light in its megalithic mind brings out colors it never saw before ...and as the other Dragon approaches to snatch "his man" in-} to its jaws the Dragon turns on the other and battles it with roaring flames and a determination that the wild beast couldn't match with understanding and control that mimics the mans. The great raging clawing beasts tangled in a chaotic death blaze are more than watched by the man... he cannot or will not unwrap his mind. And when it is done... only one dragon survives. A purple flower and sedative herbal poison he slowly gathered in mass quantities. This would kill most men in minute mixture,yet requiring a tremendous dosage to even quell the nerves of a dragons wounds...yes dragons feel and the pains of the beast racked through his man" with every step.

It has been said "A Dragon without a man doesn't know its own name."

Wizardly Analysis

Dragons are largely bestial without a bond-mate Dragons were programmed using what is now an ancient and perhaps originally artificial language, it isnt enough to speak its language to influence or bond a dragon, it takes something of a tortured mind to establish the empathic contact with them. Dragons when active expend tremendous amounts of energy and some say must actually go dormant to heal.They dont necessarly need to eat anything but have long cycles of dormacy where environmental mana is absorbed. And short awake times.

Lance Dyas