MOVING 1 Entering an adjacent space on the same level
TURNING 0 Characters may change their facing during their turn at no cost
RUNNING - Adds 2 to movement, can't do twice in a row, character starts combat phase OFF BALANCE
CLIMBING UP/DOWN - Cost equal to the change in level
JUMP OVER SPACE - Special; see rules
RECKLESS JUMPING DOWN 1 Must roll one die to determine result:
  1 or 2 = Land Standing,
  3 or 4 = Land Off Balance
  5  = Land  Knocked Down
  6 = Land Knocked Down and take damage equal to change in level
JUMP DOWN ONTO OPPONENT 1 Must start on space at least 1 level higher than opponents level, roll die for results:
  1 = Land Off Balance, opponent Knocked Down and loses 2 body points
  2 = Both characters Off Balance and opponent drops weapon
  3 or 4 = Both characters Off Balance
  5 or 6 = Missed!   Land in Knocked Down position and ltake damage equal to change in level.  Land next to opponent in same or lower level space (jumper's choice)
BLOCK OPPONENT * 2 Must be adjacent to Opponent.  Opponent may not make any move except Regain Balance that turn.  Downed characters may not Block Opponent.
CRAWLING * 2 Start Combat Phase in a Knocked Down position
FALL PRONE 0 Start Combat Phase in a Knocked Down position
STAND UP  * 2 Start Combat Phase in Standing position
REGAIN BALANCE * 1 Start Combat Phase in Standing position
PICK UP OBJECT  * 1 Character must be in same space as object.  A character may only carry one Large Object (such as a sack, chair, etc.)
DROP OBJECT 0 May place object anywhere in Battle Zone
THROW OBJECT  * 2 Character must Pick Up first; See rules on Throwing
CARRY LARGE OBJECT 1 Cost 1 point/turn, character must drop object if attacked
EXAMINE OBJECT  * 2 Must be in same space as object
SHOVE OBJECT 1 See special rules on Shoving object.
SHOVE OPPONENT 2 Forces Opponent to immediately roll on Falling Down table.  If a fall results, the shoving character determines which space the opponent lands in.
SLAY UNCONSCIOUS OPPONENT  * ALL Cost full movement allowance for that turn.  Character must be in same space as unconscious opponent.  Adds 3 to opponent's recovery die roll.
BREAKING OFF COMBAT - During combat, a character who successfully Escapes may move out of his opponent's Battle Zone into any adjacent space within one level of his own space.
* A character is not allowed to perform this maneuver and run on the same turn