Life Lessons from Amber (The diceless RPG)

  1. Your fate is in your own hands! sometimes known as your choices count!
  2. If you know where you want to go you can get there! related to It isnt just where you are going its how you get there.
  3. How you look at life will reflect itself in your luck and life.
  4. Play to your own strengths, you won't win by playing someone elses game.
  5. Style counts but method may count more.
  6. "Set in Amber" means eternal.
  7. There is no such thing as blind luck. She's just pretending to be blind. - Yoric
  8. If you look to hard into the shadows, the shadows will look back at you. - Yoric
  9. Enemies are like cockroaches. If you see one scurrying around, there's bound to be more. - Beerkeg
  10. The best lie is simply the omission of important details.- Beerkeg
  11. It's easier to hang a man if you hand him the rope and tell him to make the knot. - Beerkeg

Some of the above are bad stuff lessons and thus are caste through a jaundiced lense others are good stuff lessons and similarly affected by point of view... such is innevitable.