
Very simply put Karmic20 does not use the random player luck you see in various True20 and d20 games, rather it uses controlled character luck and enhanced player choices.

In Karmic20 like these various other games 20 is the magic number... it is nominally the high end skill obtainable (20 ranks) and the largest number generated(20) via spending the highest amount of luck(20 pts) on a single character action check and players begin play with 20 points of luck. In Karmic20, you will generally find 10 is "normal" and 1 (or even zero) is well terrible.

In Karmic 20 your character has yes 20 points to spend on basic attributes attributes - . Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence ( each attribute begins with 10 normal and a maximum and can be increased to a maximum of 20 by spending from your starting points.) Birth is usually a chancy situation so 20 luck pts will have quite and impact.

Chancy Cost
per shift
Careful Cost
per Shift
Normal Cost
per Shift
10 1 luck 3 luck 2 luck

Controlled Luck

Players have a basic resource called luck points by default they begin play with 20 luck points and 20 luck is the normal maximum luck that can be spent on action. Note a series of bad luck can result in you accumulating much more as the GM will typically compensate a player with a luck point for each luck point spent against them and other gm chosen events of bad luck may inspire the GM to reward more points.

Luck Points can be spent to modify a characters action performance away from their average/median (10 + modifiers), each 2 points spent (normally) improves / reduces a performance by 1 point. This cost may be modified by circumstances which are more or less wild/chancy or luck dependent... hence a chancy action might have half that cost and a relatively static one might have progressively higher cost.

Subtle bits of luck may not require description but if you spend 5 or more luck it really should be described. .

Hidden Luck

Long time players will end up being able to gauge difficulties from GM's descriptions and similar things so even though GM's do not outright say well this will take Npts to pull off... things might end up feeling that way. To prevent this predictability. Allocation of luck is initially hidden by use of tokens then revealed simultaneously by adversaries allowing that surprise!!! Strategic Methods

Last Minute Luck

Luck can also be allocated after the standard reveal at an increased cost. (2x)

UnBalanced Luck

Sometimes the GM will grant extra luck to players. This may be as compensation for players who's characters are of lower level than the average of other players, it might reward for vivid roleplaying or to simulate and stimulate various genre conventions.

When heros fight nobody wins

While players may indeed spend luck in pc versus pc battle. The karmic balance when two protagonists battle willl generally be nil ...as the players trade luck points back and forth the the sum change upon the full course of a pc versus pc fight will generally be zero.


Taking X

The following rules in some sense take the place of the standard d20 or True20 rules called taking 1, 5, 10 or 20, These rules even work in a combat context and to that extent replace certain feats and combat options they do offer more options to every combatant and in general more choices about how long you take attempting an action.

Basic Action Performance : focus + skill + associated attribute +/- time effects + the impact of luck.

non combat actions difficulties generally assume full focus while combat actions assume split focus

Taking Focus / Focusing on Defense +5 to -5

Focusing completely on "action" can imporove it considerably but reduces your armor class by 1 for each point spent in this way. Note this applies to attacking an opponent as well as general skills.. Outside of combat taking focus is very nearly the norm it makes you highly vulnerable to being interupted.

Focusing on defense has the opposite effect reduces the performance quality by 1 and increases defense by 1 per point.

Taking Extra Time / Rushing It +5 To -5

Can add 1 to 5 from your performance

Rushing your performance can subtract 1 to 5 from your performance quality.

In combat choosing these options may result in a gain in number of attacks during a round or if both characters rush or take there time this may result in simply "shorter" or "longer" combat rounds

Careful, Neutral, and Bold

A character may reduce the impact of chance on their performance by choosing the tried and true methods by paying closer attention to the basics etc. In game terms the player choosing this option for his character can have a definite game effect basically to increase or decrease the luck cost on modifying the actions performance quality (note the basics are easier and you know them better but they pass up opportunity for quality in the result). One can also increase the impact of luck on an actions performance essentially they up the potential for reward by doing more improvising and using some tricks which potential for more extreme results remember you do not know these tricks as well.

Describing Luck

Luck isnt skill and getting lucky or unlucky shouldn't look like it

Players choosing Unluck

Game Master / Story Guide / Dungeon Masters call for action checks.. and will not generally call for one on actions who's repercussions are not significant. With this option a player can choose to take bad luck on a check describing how fate worked against their character. This has an advantage in that it can take some of the burden off of the GM

Luck Bearers

with this option another player may be designated as a luck bearer to manage luck allocation for another players character. Luck points really can be spent on diverse things not just your characters action checks.... so technically any player can aide anothers character or harm a villain.