Nakradan in the Rhowanesh Arena

It was Garthans idea to come here. She was testing a new blade supposed to stand up to being enflamed unusually well.  Nakradan curses under her breath, A barbarian habit she had recently cultivated  because she liked to watch her peers blush, other Dragon Masters seem flustered in subtle ways.. Garthan though usually just raises an eyebrow. The self analysis and uncontrolled laugh at her own thoughts would be interpreted by many as a typical evidence of Dragon Masters not taking battle seriously (until the dragons rage over takes them),  And just so it almost cost her a nasty gouge from a blue furred centaurs spiked club.. she's not sure he's on the side of  man or monster..  maybe he isn't sure either.  Garthan wants "this" to be some sort of art form... he must really shut down his memory when the dragon is roaring in his veins. Battle is raw and sweaty and bleading messy like sex and most things worth doing. Its relationship to dance is superficial, with everyone trying to break the tempo rather than keep it.... If she danced she is certain she would use the dragon like that councilor Perinaliahn. Nakradan really isn't afraid of it. It is this which set's her a part from most who bear the Dragon's Mark.
A giant black armored scorpion comes crashing into the scene, and she lets it distract the centaur but only for a moment, in open melee like this mutual enemies  can bring you allies  if you time it right. The centaur though in some ways bestial seems human enough  to know it too... atleast she hopes so with a dragon fueled leap she comes crashing down hard on the Scorpions back.
Garthan is an idiot, no beauty here. The rage running through her screams in a fury almost unnexpected, in some ways it has nothing to do with the battle save perhaps her growing sense of disgust. The wall of fire that the scorpion walks into is something Garthan wouldnt have used he's much more subtle  You can't disarm a monster! for crying outloud.. though he'd managed it well enough against her more than a couple of times, the thought brings with it an expected wave of softness inside She really never can stay angry at him for long,. her teacher said fill your mind with nothingness to acheive peace aside from the shear impossibility that represents, it never worked for her, so other thoughts bring her back to her humanity ... Damn him anyway, Next time he wants to test out one of his  designs she was telling him to do it himself. The scorpion's flesh is sizzling inside its exoskeleton ... and the centaur seems to have decided which side he is on, hers. The Rhowanesh can take their Man versus Monster battles and shove them up there collective obcenities as far as she is concerned. Ambiguity aside she has been called monster by so many a barbarian and this centaur has a white toothed grin that is more human than the grimaces on the faces of various spectators.